Just Kannada is a global platform for all issues related to Kannada. At the very root, it’s a news-driven portal. Everything that’s happening in Karnataka, or whatever that’s happening anywhere in the world that has any consequence to Karnataka, is updated here every minute. Even though we have started with just text news, very soon we will be expanding to include the audio-visual form, too. Apart from news, we also have a wide range of dedicated sections where we feature interesting stories, interviews, tidbits, insights, and thought-provoking writings.
These special sections include, among others, sports, politics, literature, science, health, and crime. Down the line, we will also be introducing a visual archive that will showcase some of the rarest of short films, documentaries, interviews, etc. Our internal survey has shown us that there’s an increasing curiosity and continuous patronage among the neizens about anything that’s Kannada. This is true not only among the NRK’s (non-resident Kannadigas), but also among those living in the state. But, unfortunately,there’s no single portal that can offer everything from news and views to entertainment, both in the text and A/V formats. Having studied the need for a comprehensive Kannada portal, we are now launching justkannada.in.The site is being designed in such a way that it pops up with every search related to Kannada or Karnataka, attracts the visitor at the very first instance, keeps the visitor glued with a whole gamut of interesting subjects, and, equally importantly, offers plenty of opportunities and windows for advertising. It goes without emphasising that we need your support and patronage to serve the cause of Kannada better. Will look forward to a long and mutually- appreciative journey with you.
Thanks and Best Regards.
jk team